Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What long term effectts will the destabilization of rthe Africian Contenient have on the planet>?

For centuries the African continent has been the object of upheaval, destabilization and turmoil. What will the end result be of the peoples of th9s our planets largest land mass. Fifth four countries, fifty five is we count the new liberated Sudan. Africa, with her rich vast raw resources, perhaps the last Bastian of untouched wealth. Yet her shores have been plundered for hundreds of years.
East Africia is my ancestral homeland. This land has been ruled by dictators, tyrants and plain old pimps. I sing with jubilance, “Africa the beautiful, land that i love”. How can we stand by and watch the genocide, the mayhem that wrenches her apart and not cry out.
The 1040 window tells the story. As David of old declared Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, We too must pray for the peace of Africa..
Here are some startling statistics. Ponder them, meditation them and give earnest head.

Chief of State:
Head of Government:Interim Prime Minister Mahmud Jabril
Evangelical Christians:0.3%
Dominant Religion:Sunni Islam
Persecution Ranking:25th
The unrest that swept through much of the Arab world resulted in a civil war in a full-blown Libya. After months of fighting, rebels managed to force leader Muammar al-Qadhafi out of office.
The majority of the people groups in Libya are considered unreached. The largest - the Libyan Arabs - are still waiting for Scripture in their language.
The Gospel has been penetrating this closed, Islamic nation by way of the internet. Refugees fleeing into surrounding nations to escape the current civil war are also hearing the Gospel.
  • the Lord to accomplish His plans and purposes in Libya. Ask Him to raise up leaders who will serve with integrity and the fear of the Lord. (The Bible, Jeremiah 29:11)
  • this time of unrest to be an open door for the Good News of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed in this nation. (The Bible, I Corinthians 16:9)
  • the Kingdom of God to come to Libya. (The Bible, Matthew 6:10)

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